Push it

I haven’t felt like writing for days. Even though I have so much to get out of my system, my hands just can’t face typing. My whole body is still recovering. I did a charity walk a few days ago. It was on a lovely mild night in London, along with 17,000 other people all hoping to raise money for a cause close to their heart: Cancer. 

I did it for 2 reasons, mostly altruistic, but also because I wanted to push myself. I wanted to see how far I could I go, what my body would put itself through before it gave up. It turned out to be so much more than a test of my endurance though. 

I crossed the start line just after 11pm, scared and lonely but with a peace in my heart that I wanted this. I wanted to do this, no one was forcing me. My friend had to drop out due to a bad back but there was no way I was quitting. People have sponsored me, my mum sponsored me; I couldn’t let her down, she was the main reason I was doing this. 

Walking around the streets of London at night is actually fairly calming. Just me, my backpack, my Domo mascot and several thousand walkers all pounding the pavement to find a cure for those we love. I did I think of those I love. I thought about everyone. The man I loved when I was 19, cruelly taken from me, never to be loved by anyone again. My family, who I probably don’t tell enough just how much I love them. X/*****, who I’ve not heard from in so long, I can’t bare to think about. Time has gone so slowly, I don’t know if he’s ok or where he is and it eats me up inside. I guess deep down in my heart I have to believe that he’s ok and he’s happy because if I don’t not knowing will kill me. However much I love him and want him, his health and  happiness is all that matters to me. I just want him to be safe. 

So many things went through my mind. Guilt as always. I grieved for the people that are not longer with me. Cried tears in silent over those that hurt me, and equally over those that I’ve hurt. Whether intentionally or not. It doesn’t matter how heavy my backpack is, it’s nothing compared to guilt that I carry in my head. If only I could shift that, I’m sure I could move faster. 

Every mile became harder and slower. Every step, more piercingly painful than the next until I could no longer move. With each mile bought more pain, blisters so raw, I could feel the blood between my toes. Each blood soaked footstep just another leap towards a goal that I didn’t think I was capable of. 

Then, the last person, the person who this was all for: my mum. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I could do it. 20 miles in and I wanted to collapse. But I couldn’t. How could I moan about a fleeting bit of pain, when my mother has endured more pain and suffering in the last 8 years than I’ve had in my life? Besides, this pain was taking away the hurt from my heart. All the heartbreak from this year, my ex, ***** and the latest fucker to piss me about were more painful than any bleeding feet.

But the fact that 10 hours and 26.2 miles later, I’d walked almost a complete circle of London was a surreal feeling. Something I never thought I’d feel. A sense of achievement, I’d accomplished something that would have been impossible prior to my assult 3 years ago. Old me would never dreamed of doing a walk at night on my own. Or getting a tattoo. Sometimes we don’t know what we’re capable of until we’re pushed to the edge. 

As I was walking I swore to myself I’d never do it again, but I’m still alive, my feet haven’t fallen off. Yet. Maybe this is selfish of me, but part of this walk was as much a test to me as it was a way to help others. It taught me what I’m capable of. What I can do if I really push myself. I want to do more, I want to find my limit and smash through it. If I’m to be truthful, this is helping me more than therapy ever has. If I can help other people while I’m at it, well then thats even better. 



Bon voyage

The clutter in my house was getting to me. I’m a tidy person but I have absolutely no desire or motivation to keep it organised. It’s only because my parking permit is about to expire and I can’t afford a fine if I don’t pay it. The paperwork is organised but I’m trying to pull myself two ways and I can’t stretch anymore. Letters are piling up and clothes need to be put away but I can’t face it. Part of me is tempted to get a black bag and sweep everything into it. The pile of cd’s that are gathering dust next my tv, a collection of 50 that I’ve had for the last 10 years. I keep questioning do I need them. You never know when these things come in handy when they’re piled high with dust because you can’t be arsed to do the housework, something I’m usually obsessive over. I can’t stand a messy house and just lately I’ve let it get a mess. Collecting silly mementos that remind me of loved ones, triggering memories that I can’t bare to let go of.

We can’t take things with us when we go but what about things that people leave behind for us? Do I need to keep every birthday card that my mum and dad have ever sent me? Do I need to hold onto a t shirt that an ex bought me as a good will gesture? The thought of throwing things away makes me feel like I’m throwing away the gratitude and love I have. Nothing can ever replace a someone you love when they’ve gone but does that mean keeping everything wil retain their memory? Does it betray the love you had for them if you discard things you no longer need or require?

I have boxes of things that my ex bought me over the years. T shirts, key rings, cinema ticket stubs. Silly things that I can’t bare to part with. What do I do with it all? It doesn’t distract from the reality that we’re no longer together, but if I throw it away it feels like the last 9 years have accounted for nothing. I don’t have bitter nasty memories, most of them have been of times spent with a loving caring man. Regrettedly the last 3 years weren’t great but we had a dignified end and if it were any other way perhaps my feelings would be different. 

Because it’s not that there was no love there. It just wasn’t the right kind of love. If circumstances were different and we’d split up after one of us had cheated it would be so much easier to part with all the shoe boxes that sum up the last 9 years. Even now, what used to be my favourite picture is still on my bedside table. Maybe it reminds me of better times. Times when I was happy and carefree, and in love, before 2013 when my life was turned upside down. 

I’m trying my best to move on. 3 years is ample time to put it behind you but it still plays a part of my life. My attitude has changed and I can’t deny I’m not the same happy go lucky person that I used to be. Maybe I should just grow a pair and get on with life. 

I actually started writing this days ago but I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I had to tidy up. Knowing full well for the last 4 months that I have an impending holiday and not packing for it until last minute is kind of how I roll. And now here I am sitting on a plane about to depart for a 4 days of sun. The time away is much needed but the guilt of going without from my mum is killing me. This was meant to be her holiday but she’s too ill too go. I wanted to cancel she insisted that I go, that’s the kind of amazing person she is. Always putting others before her own needs. A week in the sun to put the last year behind her and catch some much needed rays of shinshine would have been brilliant. I’d say they’ll be other times, but there won’t. 

Make the most of the precious times you have with those you love. You never know when time will end. 

Je vous porte dans mon cœur. 



Heart for sale (originally written 10th August 2016)

So, third day back at work and I can’t say it’s getting any easier. I’m very grateful that I’m on a phased return. Anything longer than 3 hours at day at the moment would be too much. As it is, I’m falling asleep as soon as I get home. I’m probably falling asleep as I write this but I’m determined to write something today.

Nothing has changed. I’m still hurt by X, despite trying to be civil, it seems like that’s it. I won’t hear from them again. It’s the same old story, with my heart. I’m so exhausted from it, I want to cut myself from them but I can’t. It’s like an addiction and it’s so toxic, it’s poisoning me. I’ve thrown myself into finding someone else to fill the gap but the truth is, no one will ever be like them and will ever fill the hole they left. It’s so hard to put them out of mind. I just want the time to pass quickly and my mind to forget but when someone leaves such a lasting impression on your heart, it takes time to reshape. I hope it doesn’t take long. I want to love someone again, because right now I feel like I’ll never want anyone as much as I want X.

That’s all I can manage for today. I wish I could move on as quick as they have. The fact that they never cared anyway should make me move on but it’s not that simple. I’m starting to sound like a stuck record, but I’ll never love anyone the way I love them. I’ll always be there but I’m invisible to only person I want to be seen by. And that kills me.



Don’t save me 

Oh for a rest from my head. Just when you think you’ve getting there, a voice pops up and tells you to give up. Even when you’re trying your best to be normal and smile it’s incredibly draining putting a brave face on when all you want to do is curl up and die somewhere no one will ever find you. I’d just like to slowly fade out, so no one will notice, my pathetic body and regrets trailing with me. 

To sleep. Just to actually sleep for longer than 2 hours would be lovely. To sleep forever would be preferable. And here I go again, the guilt killing me. Wishing it would kill me when I have so much to live for but no will. No hope. I work in an establishment where people would give anything to live and I want to waste it. I’m selfish and horrible and I don’t deserve to live anyway. 

Even I can’t stand to be around myself so I can’t expect anyone else to want to be around me unless they absolutely have to. Who wants to spend valuable time with a miserable suicidal 30 something? Even my own shadow wants to get away from me. 

I’m through with words. I can’t think anymore. Time to fill my head with noise, drown out the voice telling me to take the pills. To find that empty place that no one will ever find me. If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d walk there but I fear I’d collapse and end up being rescued. This ungrateful body doesn’t deserve to be rescued. Save it for someone valuable. 



You can’t always get what you want. 

I’m officially a miserable cow. When I can’t even muster a smile for my sick mum, I know I’m in trouble. I’m trying my best not to wallow in misery but I feel like throwing in the towel tonight. Life just seems so pointless. People get your hopes up and shatter them to pieces in an instant. The overwhelming urge to drink myself into oblivion tonight is too much and I fear I’m at breaking point. I deleted the number of someone who yet again, toyed with my emotions and I stupidly let them. I know I’d have ended up texting him and giving in but part of me wants to ask them why the fuck they feel the need to piss me about. But I guess when people can’t be honest with you, that’s their response. Instead of saying the painful truth and being mature they say nothing. So much more hurtful. Message received. Keep saying it’s his loss. I did tell him, don’t fuck about with my fragile mind. If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned. Starting to think I need to wear some fireproof clothes. 

Right on the day I need a boost the most. Today has been one of those days when you go for a shit and you realise after, there’s no toilet roll left. Then to top it off, there’s no soap to wash your hands. Graphic yes, true, definitely. The one day I need to run or beat myself up and I can’t. I’d do anything to hurt myself right now. Not the kind of pain with cuts but the kind that makes my body ache and takes the pain away from my heart. Time is something that is so precious but I’m counting down the hours because I’m so empty inside, all I can hear is the sound of my head telling me what a useless failure of a human I am. Even a 27 year old man who could have me doesn’t want to know. 

I probably reek of desperation but the truth is, I don’t even want him that much. I just want the affection. The feeling of being wanted. I’m not after another long term relationship, the only goal I want ends in sex. My ex was never one to express his love and after 9 years it got less and less obvious how he actually felt about me. Needless to say, when you’re starved of affection, it’s only natural to look elsewhere. I just don’t think the kind of affection I want is what I need right now. My head is liable to explode if another man fucks about with it. I’m better off alone and I know it. It’s not what I want but it’s probably what I need. 

No one to let me down, no one to hurt me and ignore me. Just me. If I can’t rely on myself then I can’t rely on anyone but I’m a hopeless case for self promotion.   I’m sure if I’m around to look back on this in another 10 years time, I’ll read what anyone else would: that I’m a miserable whingy woman who doesn’t realise how lucky she is. But I do. I know that I’m blessed with good people around me. Some of them have saved me more times than I can remember and I’m indebted to them. But I can’t keep up the pretense that I’m happy, because I’m not, and that makes me feel so guilty, I hate myself. 



Swipe left, swipe right…

It’s oh so tempting right now to go and raid my fridge. If it wasn’t for the fact I’ve got to be up in less than 4 hours I’d probably have drunk my way through the entire contents of it. Not that I keep a lot in there mind. The desire to get absolutely shit faced is so strong that I can’t have anything in the house anymore. Besides, alcohol and sports do not mix well, either when you’re watching or competing. The odd beer after completing an event is lovely but getting hammered the night before is a no no. Neither my brain or my body can cope with it and at the tender age of 38, my drinking days are over. 

But sometimes I just want to get so completely smashed that I don’t know who I am. I can forget all the shit in the world and the shit in my life and for a few hours I’m somewhere else that I won’t remember when I wake up the next day with bad breath, a head like a wrecking ball and smeared eyeliner. I made the fatal mistake last week, last blog infact of getting drunk and it never works. When I’m happy, I’m elated but when I’m down, I’m in the gutter. Probably where I belong anyway. 

These highs and lows are the thing that do the most damage. Take my latest dating escapade. With the exception of X/*****,  I don’t like to mention too much of my cardiac affairs, but the latest has pissed me off. Quelle surprise! I’ve never been the older in a relationship before (11 years in this case) and it’s safe to say I won’t ever again. Why do younger men think it’s fun to play games with your feelings? Or does this apply to men of any age? I’m fucked if I know, excuse the crass choice of words. All I know is this: games via text message + ignoring me for days = no games in the bedroom. Putting it bluntly.

Moving swiftly on, before I totally embarrass myself with my exploits, this is why I miss X. He would have told it like it is and sussed out their agenda before I’d got my pants in a twist. I wish I’d never signed up to a dating site. The pain of crushing rejection does absolutely nothing to help you when A) you’re trying to mend a broken heart and B) you’re trying to mend a broken mind. There are some good sides, the wild carefree aspect of being single for the first time in nearly a decade but mostly its absolutely soul destroying. That feeling of worthlessness when you’ve been in a relationship and had the same feeling is totally fucking pointless. Why do we think it’s fun to put ourselves through it in the vain hope that someone will see our (my) pathetic profile and think ‘ey up love, I’ll ave’ a bit o that’. Totally. Fucking. Poinless. And there’s no sodding refunds either. 

As much as I’d love to put my beer goggles on right now, and raise a toast to being the worlds worst date, I’ll settle for my swimming goggles. At the least the pool won’t let me down. The pain of a 3k set will make my body ache, but that’s nothing compared to how much my heart aches every time the beer goggles wear off one of my potential dates/victims. Physical pain is fleeting but emotional is permanent and I’ve got enough scars on this strange body of mine as it is. 



This is where it all falls apart

I was doing so well. But I guess all good things come to an end. Today has been a truly shitty day. I’m trying to be strong for my mum. Time is running out for her and I’m powerless to help. No amount of waiting in hospital corridors can do anything to stop the inevitable and I can’t face that right now. 

I feel like I’m being bombarded with tasks, testing my strength and its weakening. My heart still aches. The only man I’ve ever truly wanted has vanished and the thought that I might never hear of him again is like having my heart ripped out through my throat. Whatever my part I know I fucked up. I beat myself up so many times and still the pain of what I did hurts more than anything I can inflict on myself. I’d take getting knocked off my bike, running with blood soaked socks from blisters and cuts and bruises than the pain I feel inside. I’d do anything to make the hurt go away. I can’t handle anything else until this is over. So I guess I keep running.

No amount of distraction is working either. My self worth is at an all time low. The best thing I’ve learnt out of all this is that if you love someone, no amount of self destruction, mindless sex and any other distraction will actually make the healing process quicker. When it comes down to it, time is the only thing. It’s been nearly 2 months and it still hurts. I wish someone would punch me in the chest so I can feel what is more painful for a comparison. 

Just when you think you’re getting there, by throwing yourself in at the deep end, you realise you just don’t have the will to swim any more. I’m trying. I thought I’d moved on but my brain is trying to tell me otherwise and I doubt myself. I thought I’d actually found someone who could fill a gap. But he can’t . He doesn’t care and he’ll never be *****. He’s irreplaceable. 

So fuck it. There it is. The latest shitty installment. I hit my first obstacle. Or rather it hit me. I started to care again, this time for someone who has absolutely no fucking feelings for me whatsoever. So don’t bother. Don’t make an effort to go the extra mile for them. If they want you, make them come to you. Fuck them. 

When I get out of bed tomorrow, hungover and hurting I will tell myself to look down at my foot; to the semicolon tattoo I had to remind myself that I could have ended my sentence but I chose not too. Thousands of people have chosen to carry on. I’m not alone. Even though I’m the loneliest person in the world right now. 



Hope is infectious. 

I’m at the hospital with my mum today. I’m typing this as we sit and wait for her consultant to appear. It’s been 2 and half years of doctors, tests, surgery and anguish and my mum has dealt with it in the most dignified way it puts me to shame. She takes it all in her stride. From rushing her into a&e in the early hours of the morning, to waiting up to 5 hours to see her radiologist. She has far more patience and restraint than I’ll ever have. The guilt of wanting to leave this world while she is still here and fighting is something that makes me feel horrid. 

I can’t for a minute imagine what it’s like for someone to be told their life is coming to an end sooner than it should. No one is immortal but when you’re faced with your life being cut short, the emotions that run through your soul can’t be explained. I’ve thought about my mortality in detail over and over again for the last few months and I’m ashamed. How dare I, a healthy person with everything to live for want to die? I feel disgusted with myself. There are people in this clinic who would love to be cancer free and know that their lives are still theirs to lived without question, and I bet they don’t sit around and feel like shit because they have nothing to live for.  They make the most of their time because they know how precious it is. 

It humbles me that people carry on despite adversity. There is no other way but to. They are a lesson to me to go on and be all that I can. Life is so short and to go out with a whimper rather than a bang seems futile. I want to make the most of my life. I want to do things that scare me and make me want to live. I want my mums infectious energy, resilience and refusal to give in. 

Time is limited, I don’t want to waste it dying when there are so many people who would give anything to live. They would rightly be ashamed of me, like I am. But I’m not going to, I’m over hating myself. Time to live, I owe that to the people that can’t. 

